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The Program Dashboard :


Using the Dashboard 



Quiz & Activities

20th July'23

Context for the program

21st July'23

High level framework

24th July'23

ESG Funds

Traditional vs. ESG Funds, Investing Styles, Indexes and Benchmarking

26th July'23

ESG Ratings


28th July'23

Ratings Models and Examples, Case Studies

31st July'23

How MSCI, S&P and others build ratings

02nd Aug'23

Value Chains & Controversy in ESG

Techniques and Events

04th Aug'23

07th Aug'23

GSS Bonds Intro

What are the categories

09th Aug'23

Use of Proceeds

How is money to be managed

11th Aug'23


ESG Strategy behind the funding

14th Aug'23


Pre-issuance processes and SPO

16th Aug'23


Periodic, Management of Proceeds, Use of Proceeds

18th Aug'23


General Requirements + Climate Related Risks & Opportunities

25th Aug'23

Sustainability Related Risks & Opportunities

28th Aug'23

SFDR + EU Taxonomy

Disclosures applicable in Fund Industry

30th Aug'23

01st Sep'23


India's Reporting framework for listed companies

04th Sep'23


ESRS Framework Part 1

06th Sep'23

ESRS Framework Part 2

08th Sep'23

US Regulatory Framework / overview

Broad themes

11th Sep'23

GHG Protocol

Scope 1 and 2

13th Sep'23

Scope 3

15th Sep'23

Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials

18th Sep'23


Framework, overview, application

20th Sep'23

CDP, TCFD, Others

Framework, overview, application

22nd Sep'23


Framework, overview, application

25th Sep'23

Goals of NZFA and Principles of Responsible Banking and guidance on that

Portfolio Impact Analysis Tools for Banks

27th Sep'23

Consumer Banking

29th Sep'23

Institutional Banking

Regulatory outlook

Specific recommendations

Regulatory Assessment

Prudential Treatment of Sustainability Risks, Impact Assessment,

Reporting and Applicability

Frameworks, Workflows that factor in considerations and KPIs

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